Real-Life Stories From Award Winners and Finalists – Get Inspired!
July 26, 2022
Real Life Stories from Award Winners
It’s likely you’ve considered applying for a business award. There are many ways to promote your business, after all, and awards are one way to demonstrate your commitment to excellence, as well as show off your talent to the world.

But how does winning an award REALLY help your business?

Instead of writing about the benefits of applying for a business award, which we’ve discussed in previous blog posts, this month I took the time to interview some award winners. In this video series, you’ll get an insider’s look at how winning an award raises the profile of your business, instills trust in you and your business, and helps you achieve the recognition you deserve!


Schamma Rosidor

Soins Naturel My Royalty

Key takeaways from the video:

  • Taking it one step at a time is key in applying for awards, and following the plan set out by 1001 Pages was helpful in getting organized
  • No enterprise is too small to apply for an award, and no award is too big to apply for!
  • Even being a finalist (and not a winner) is significant, and makes you feel like a winner, regardless

Shirley Marquis

Centre Financier SFL Outaouais

Key takeaways from the video:

  • There is a misconception that awards are for others (not you!) and that if you win an award, it is because someone has specifically nominated you for this honour. Not true! Every business has the choice to go out and find the award that fits their goals.
  • Applying for awards is not only to honour an individual, but it makes good business sense, and shines a light on your business
  • Winning awards brings you many benefits that you don’t realize at the beginning, including motivation, connection with others in your industry, growing your network of contacts, a greater sense of confidence, and self-actualization and reflection
  • The impact on your colleagues and network can’t be denied – it’s one of the greatest benefits of putting together your awards application


Caroline Doyle

Coach Caroline Doyle

Key takeaways from the video:

  • If you decide that applying for an award is for you, it can change how you look at your career. Deciding to be #1 in your category helps you to focus and concentrate on what really matters in your business. Success can be a formula you can follow to succeed!
  • Applying for an award can help you to pause, slow down, and take a deeper look at all you have accomplished over your career, and this can become a terrific exercise to better understand how to replicate your success!
  • Applying for an award can push you out of your comfort zone, and at the same time bring you more confidence
  • One of the greatest gifts of becoming a finalist or winning a business award is the contacts and relationships you develop


Summing It Up

submit an award application
As you can see from these amazing finalists and winners, submitting a business award application can be life-changing! The return on your investment can be surprising in its depth and transformation.

Are YOU ready to reap the benefits of business awards just like these powerful and successful women? Check out our resources to get you started, or book a call with Marie-Christine. An expert in the Québec and Canadian awards industry, Marie-Christine’s mission is to connect with diverse communities of women and encourage them to gain the visibility they deserve, so they can shine and inspire future generations.

About Marie-Christine Masseteau

Founder, 1001 Pages

We provide winning award submission research and writing services to women executives and entrepreneurs. Become recognized for your achievements and inspire future generations!


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